BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – recommendations.
Trees are a material consideration in any planning application and local planning authorities will require evidence that trees both on and adjacent to the site have been fully considered.
Trees can be a significant asset to sustainable development as well as a constraint. Early arboricultural input will greatly assist with design options and help avoid potential delays or conflicts at later stages in the planning process.
We have many years of practical and advisory experience on development sites and can assist at all stages of the design, planning and development process in accordance with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – recommendations.
The services required will depend on the nature of the development proposal and the stage of the design and planning process. Typically this involves one or more of the following:
- Initial advice, feasibility studies and pre-purchase site appraisal
- Preliminary Tree Survey and Constraints Plan
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment
- Tree Protection Plan
- Arboricultural Method Statement
- Mitigation and tree planting advice
- Site inspections and supervision
- Planning condition discharge